How do I navigate community, strategy, and tending to the internal aspects of my practice?

Dear CP, 

I’m in the fortunate position of receiving a generous number of invitations recently. All of them are meaningful to me, and some are private or "VIP" opportunities to network and connect with community. They all also happen to be scheduled within a two-week period with several deadlines and other demands on my calendar. I know this is a good dilemma, and since I hope these situations will also be ongoing as my career continues to grow, I wonder if you have advice on how to navigate community, strategy, and tending to the internal aspects of one's practice?

Indeed, what you outline here is both a good and (hopefully) ongoing dilemma, and juggling these demands can be difficult. To be an artist in public, you must prioritize several things at once. It can seem inevitable that something has to be sacrificed. That may sometimes be the case, but let’s explore a few ways to approach your dilemma. 

One way to work with a packed calendar is to start working on things with deadlines as soon as you know the deadline, and sometimes even before you know the deadline. If you're working on things ahead of time (and maybe even completing them ahead of the deadline), that can be a good way to keep a little breathing room on your calendar so you can accept invitations or engage opportunities that arise more spontaneously. 

Working this way requires discipline. This might sound harsh, but I don’t mean it that way. Planning and boundaries don’t have to be rigid or stultifying; in fact, they can be fluid, responsive, and giving, affording you time and space that you might not otherwise have. 

Discipline requires support (both personal and professional) and planning across the different aspects of your life. 

For instance, if you know you want to be present for a bunch of things all at once, it may be hard to also handle domestic responsibilities. Are there ways to get support in this sphere; for instance, hiring or asking for cleaning help or pet help; making big batches of food to freeze and have on hand or ordering a meal service; asking for various kinds of temporary help from your partner, friends, or family. And/or is there support you need/have access to in the work realm: Can you take a temporary leave from your job (if you have one); can you get some temporary (or permanent) help in the studio, etc. 

Using the routine planner, your calendar, and a to-do list or other project management system can help with planning, which also contributes to discipline. Setting a small amount of time aside each day to review your routine, update your calendar, and plan for the next day; and spending a bit of time at the end of each week to plan for the next week are wise investments in the infrastructure you will likely benefit from if you want to sustain a demanding schedule over time. 

In addition to creating boundaries and then being disciplined in adhering to them, I recommend being somewhat strict with the social events that are also work events. Sometimes it's helpful to put a time constraint on these kinds of engagements, if you need to. For example, you might decide that you’ll go to a lecture and then stay no longer than 30 minutes after, and consider if there are particular people you want to make sure you say hello to. 

You'll also need rest to show up for everything you want to show up for in your studio, in your community, and in your personal life. In a life with many competing demands, it also takes discipline to rest.  

Now with all of this discipline, there must also be a counterpoint. Remember that this is your chosen path and your life’s work, and it’s also meant to be enjoyed. Take time off when you can, so that you can enjoy your whole life. You’ll have to find the right mix of focus, rigor, spontaneity, fun, and rest that works for you and helps you stay inspired on the long, amazing journey of being an artist.


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